SO yes after getting my account stolen, getting it back, and dealing with all the pain that comes with being in a catholic school IM FINALY ANIMATING AGAIN, My newest animation will be up by the end of the month and will be my last 12fps flash, and after ward I'm fallowing threw with a series I've been wanting to do for an unBEARably long time
So while thats happening and all those who care wait, Im going to put this link RIGHT HERE> < to show off one of my friends doing silly minecraft videos, he's really improving and I'd give it a look OR ELSE YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES WILL DISSAPPEAR IN A MESS OF FLAMES AND ICE CAPS
Just to let you know, both GA episodes are underneath my account now since Zoltan butt fucked the original copies, be sure to accept the collab invites I sent you so you get your cut. The good news about that is that since then both episodes have had moderately good success with consistent reviews and high scores ranging between 3.10 to 3.50. I already made back all the money I lost when Zoltan took down the other projects and made profit from it. If you want we can take your other old submissions down, fix them up and republish them some time.